Note To Self Mail icon on blue background

Note To Self: new features that make your notes even faster


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The latest update 1.10 introduces a lot of new features that make your notes even faster. This includes features that improve the usability and also reduce the size of the note.

One of the main improvements is the customizable toolbar. This allows a custom positioning of the most used actions above the keyboard. There are different actions available to add and manage attachments, open the archive or send the note.

To make the notes smaller (and therefore send them faster), images can now be resized for sending. For this, a fixed size can be set or (to make things more flexible) the size of the images can be selected before sending.

Additional new features are:

  • Customizable app icon: default, dark, light
  • Preview of the note contents in share extension
  • Spanish localization … hola!
  • Support dynamic font sizes
Note To Self Mail on an iPhone

Beside this, a large number of minor issues on layout and functionality have been fixed:

  • Updated design to handle dark mode of iOS 13
  • Fixed cursor jumping during text editing
  • Fixed layout issues when changing from landscape to portrait (and vise versa)
  • Action extension can now handle more content types
  • Characters < and > are now displayed correctly in the HTML version of the mail

Stay tuned, there are more new features to come in the next release!

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