Tag: Note To Self Mail

“Note To Self Mail” is a tool that allows users to easily send emails to themselves for reminders, notes, or storing information, often with additional features like scheduling and organization.

  • Introducing Note to Self Mail: The New Key to Productivity

    Introducing Note to Self Mail: The New Key to Productivity


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    According to the Harvard Business Review, your to-do list is too long. We’ve all experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed with what we need to accomplish. While this may initially seem as though it may help our productivity, too many things to do actually harms our productivity. It causes a never-ending cycle of not feeling…

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  • Join Note to Self Mail beta testing

    Join Note to Self Mail beta testing


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    You are already using Note to Self Mail and want to test new features and check out the latest improvements? The TestFlight service of Apple provides an easy way to do so. You can join TestFlight by opening this link: Invitation link to join the TestFlight of Note to Self Mail:https://testflight.note2selfmail.app/ What is TestFlight? TestFlight…

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  • Note to Self Mail: create text templates for faster notes

    Note to Self Mail: create text templates for faster notes


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    With the latest update 1.13.0 of Note to Self Mail, new text features have been introduced: Use static or dynamic text templates Text templates can be used for the input of repetitive contents. They can not only contain any static text, they can be extended with dynamic contents that are automatically replaced, when the template…

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  • Note To Self: new features that make your notes even faster

    Note To Self: new features that make your notes even faster


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    The latest update 1.10 introduces a lot of new features that make your notes even faster. This includes features that improve the usability and also reduce the size of the note. One of the main improvements is the customizable toolbar. This allows a custom positioning of the most used actions above the keyboard. There are…

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