Tag: GitLab Runner

GitLab Runner is an open-source application that works with GitLab CI/CD to execute tasks, enabling automated testing and deployment processes.

  • Install and update GitLab Runner

    Install and update GitLab Runner



    I already wrote a summary on how to Setup GitLab Runner for Docker containers on Synology NAS. As this article has a lot of details for the Synology setup, I decided to write a short summary for this topic on a regular Linux server. So let’s go… Before we start, we need to have Docker…

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  • How to Run and Update Docker Images and Containers

    How to Run and Update Docker Images and Containers



    The following post shows the default workflow to run and update a Docker image based on the example of GitLab. But this should also work for other containers. Docker Installation First make sure that your local machine has Docker installed. I use Debian and for this, a detailed description is available in Dockers documentation. There…

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  • GitLab – ERROR: Registering runner… failed, certificate signed by unknown authority

    GitLab – ERROR: Registering runner… failed, certificate signed by unknown authority



    If your self-hosted GitLab server is using a self-signed certificate for https, it might be possible that you get an error during the registration of a GitLab Runner: To solve the problem, you have to provide the full chain certificate *.pem used by your GitLab Server: In my case, the valid certificate could be found…

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