big container ship

Docker: how to build and push a Git repository to Docker Hub



Docker Hub is a cloud-based repository provided by Docker that allows developers to store, manage, and share Docker container images. It serves as a central registry for Docker users to distribute their containerized applications and collaborate with others.

To build and push a Git repository to Docker Hub, you can follow these steps:

Step 1 – Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your Git repository. This file contains instructions for building your Docker image.

Step 2 – Build your Docker image using the docker build command. You will need to provide a name and tag for your image. For example:

docker build -t yourusername/yourimage:tag .

This command will build an image with the tag yourusername/yourimage:tag. The path provided as . is the current path.

Step 3 – Log in to Docker Hub using the docker login command. You will need to provide your Docker Hub username and password.

docker login

Step 4 – Push your Docker image to Docker Hub using the docker push command. For example:

docker push yourusername/yourimage:tag

This command will push your image to Docker Hub with the tag yourusername/yourimage:tag.

Once you have completed these steps, your Docker image will be available on Docker Hub for others to use and download.


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